
How to COMBINE COLORS in Your Home
Debbie Talianko Debbie Talianko

How to COMBINE COLORS in Your Home

Using color in your home and having it feel pulled together takes a little bit of “know-how”. In this article we’ll walk through a few easy tips for creating your color scheme as well as some things about paint you probably didn’t know.

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Why Red and Green at Christmas?
Debbie Talianko Debbie Talianko

Why Red and Green at Christmas?

Ever wonder why Christmas colors are so exciting? In this article, Professional interior designer Debbie Talianko demonstrates why complementary colors are so pleasing to the eye.

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Our New Home Reno Series: Paint and a Funny Story
Debbie Talianko Debbie Talianko

Our New Home Reno Series: Paint and a Funny Story

Things are moving a little slowly with the home renovation, but I’m not letting that stop me from making progress with decision-making about possible paint colors. Plus there’s a bonus story about my kids this week!

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