Why Red and Green at Christmas?

Have you ever wondered why red, and green are such popular Holiday colors? Turns out, there’s a scientific reason.

You may remember from school that red, and green are complementary (or opposite) colors on the color wheel. (See below.)


When complementary colors are viewed together, both the low and high frequency cones in our eyes are stimulated at the same time. As a result, each color plays off the other’s intensity, and the result is pleasing and exciting to our eye, and therefore our brain. 

Complementary color combinations are also the most exciting schemes to use in a room color scheme. Combinations such as yellow & purple, orange & blue are just a couple of other examples. 

And I’ll bet you’ve heard the term “muted” color. This is achieved by mixing two complementary colors together. Try adding a touch of green to a can of red. The result is a muted red which is less intense and therefore, more calming to the eye.

Try experimenting with colors on the wheel sometime. Combining the colors found next to each other on the wheel can be nice too. 

And the possibilities are endless!

Here are my BEST tips for Creating Your Color Scheme with you. Just click the link below to purchase your copy now.


Happy Decorating!

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