Top 3 Steps for My Design Process

Designing your home can be a very fun and rewarding pastime. But there is a thought process that goes into a really successful project. When I’m beginning a new project for my clients, I follow a step-by-step task list so I don’t leave out any important steps. Here are the main tasks you’ll want to incorporate into the way you approach your own design projects. Be sure to check out my own home renovation series, I’ll be taking you along all the decisions I make so you can see my process in action!

1. Begin With The End in Mind

What do I mean by that?  I mean that you’ll want to think about how you’re going to use this room. Who will use this room? If it’s a multi-purpose room such as a guest room/office-you’ll want it to function as an office most of the time but still be a welcoming and comfortable room for when your guests visit. Thinking about your lifestyle and the lifestyles of those who will use the room is one of the first things to consider.  


2. Set Up a System for Keeping Track

Make sure you set up a way to keep track of all of your notes, your receipts, quotes, sketches, contacts.  Everything. I recommend a simple 3-ring binder for this task. Not only will this help to keep you organized while you shop and execute your plan, but you’ll also have a tidy little record that you can refer back to when you need it later. Keeping everything in one place will also help you stay on budget!

Let’s say a few years later you want to touch up the paint in the room. It will be nice to be able to find that color easily won’t it?  Or maybe you’ll want to switch out the pillows for the bed and you saved a little cutting or scrap from the curtains that you can now use to find the right color or pattern while out shopping.  Those are just a couple of examples. 

3. “Measure Twice, Cut Once.”

This one is HUGE!  You’ve probably heard this saying before. There is nothing more important than taking your time, double-checking, and then moving forward. Mistakes can be expensive. So, slow it down a bit and make sure you’ve got the right dimensions, the right color, or whatever it might be before you move on.


Are you looking for some help with planning your home design? Don’t worry, I’ve got you! Click here to Learn More.


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