Is Your Home Trendy Enough?

People often ask me about the latest trends in design.  I will say that while this is a lot of fun to think about, it’s more important to be true to yourself.  If you think about it, trends come and they go. 

Fashion trends move quickly. Interior design trends really don’t! That is why it’s important to consider what is in your heart and soul.


And when you are redesigning a room, you are probably going to spend some money $$$ doing it.  So, you’ll most likely live with your new room for longer than the latest trend.  Take the time you need to discover what you love and what you can live with for many years to come.  You can thank yourself later!

Here are some ways to discover your very own design “trend”.

1. Take a Look in Your Closet

It’s funny but sometimes I’ll hear people say how they would never want to use a certain color in their home design—but—if you were to peek into their wardrobe, you’d discover that they wear a lot of that very same color!  So why the aversion to it?  Wouldn’t it make sense to incorporate the colors you like enough to wear into a scheme for your home too?  After all, this is where you spend your free time.  Why not surround yourself with what is familiar and comfortable to you. Click here to learn what your home currently says about you!


2. Collect Design Photos Online

I’m sure you are familiar with Pinterest? How about Both of these sites are excellent sources for interior design ideas. But more importantly, they will help you discover your true style.  I often use these platforms as tools with my clients. We’ll collect lots of photos and before we know it, a kind of pattern has emerged. Together, we’ll discover that my client loves high contrast or low.  Bright color or a palette of neutrals. And he or she seems to be attracted to simple straight lines in the furnishings.


3. Write a Summary of What You Discover

Now that you understand your personal design trend, make sure to define this discovery in words.  Write it all down.  Be articulate. Get very clear on what you’ve learned about yourself and possibly your partner too.  You’ll want to refer back to this discovery from time to time as you are making design decisions along the way.  It will be your guide.

And just for fun, would you like to discover your personal design style? Take my new quiz called What’s Your Design Style Now!

That’s it for now.  I’ll be back with more tips next week!

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