The Wild Ride of Renovation

Understanding the typical emotions you may feel while undergoing a home renovation, will prepare you for the unknown.  So, hang onto your hats kids; it’s going to be a bumpy ride!

The Honeymoon Phase


After clients have chosen their design team, everything feels shiny and new. They’re so excited to get started that they just can’t hide it! We call it… the honeymoon phase.

Blind Trust


Shortly after getting underway, it is typical for a client to feel a little panicked and say to themselves, ”What did I just get myself into?”  It’s the fear of the unknown that drives this emotion.  After all, they don’t really know their design team all that well and their Aunt Suzie is putting feelings of doubt in their minds.

I Want It NOW!!!


At this stage, clients can become eager to see the finished product and to show it off to their friends. They want it all and they want it now.

The Waiting Game


The design and renovation process usually takes longer than people realize.  It becomes a waiting game and time seems to slow to a complete stop. The client’s patience level will-be-tested.

Grumpy Stage


Typically, and toward the end of the project, clients can become a bit testy. Their house has been turned upside down for quite a while and the stress level is rising. They are completely out of patience. Their friends and family are beginning to ask when the renovation will be done.

The Big Reveal “Celebration Time”


The project is now complete. The long wait is finally over.  The clients are happy and settled back in. They are proud of their new home and can’t wait to show it off.  It’s time to invite their family and friends over to celebrate!

Last and just for fun, we’ve created a short playlist on Spotify for you.  Just in case you’re going through a renovation and need a little reminder.  

We hope you enjoy the music!

Here’s a link to our Spotify Playlist. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

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